Dental Check-Up

Dental Check-Up

Your oral health is a window to your overall well-being. At Medinet Dental Surgery, we offer comprehensive dental check-ups that pave the way for a lifetime of radiant smiles and complete oral health.

Whether it’s your first check-up with us or you’re a returning patient, we provide a comfortable and informative experience.

Why do I need a dental check-up?

Regular dental check-ups serve as the backbone of optimal oral health. They not only detect issues before they evolve into major problems but also offer an opportunity to discuss and review oral hygiene habits.

Regular check-ups can save you from future discomfort and expenses by catching cavities early, evaluating gum health, and scanning for signs of oral diseases.

What should I expect during my dental check-up at Medinet Dental Surgery?

Our dental check-ups are thorough but non-invasive. You will go through our usual routine of:

  • A visual examination of your teeth, gums, and mouth
  • Digital X-rays (if necessary) to detect any underlying issues.
  • An evaluation of any existing restorations like fillings or crowns
  • Recommendations for further treatments, if required
  • Tips and guidance on maintaining your oral hygiene

Dr Deruschka Govender and her team ensure you feel at ease throughout the process, explaining each step as you go.

How often should I schedule a dental check-up?

For most, a biannual visit (once every six months) is recommended. However, depending on your oral health status, we might suggest more frequent check-ups. If you’re at higher risk for dental diseases due to smoking, diabetes, or a history of gum disease, we may need to monitor your oral health more frequently.

How can I maintain my oral health between check-ups?

To keep your teeth and gums in top shape:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss at least twice a day (and after meals)
  • Limit sugary snacks and drinks
  • Avoid smoking

Book your dental check-up with us at Medinet Dental Surgery today!