
Root Canal Therapy

A root canal, often feared by many, can be a beacon of hope for a suffering tooth. Here, we merge state-of-the-art techniques with heartfelt understanding, guiding you to rediscover the joy of a pain-free smile.

What is root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy or endodontic treatment is a procedure to save a badly infected or decayed tooth. This way, we can keep the natural tooth and avoid extraction.

Why would I need root canal therapy?

There are several reasons you might need root canal therapy:

  • You have severe decay
  • The root is damaged due to injury
  • You have had repeated dental procedures on the same tooth
  • You have a deep crack or chip in the tooth

How is the procedure performed?

At Medinet Dental Surgery, we use high-quality techniques and technology to perform root canal therapy on compromised teeth. You can expect the following steps during your appointment:

  • Using X-rays, Dr Deruschka Govender will assess the extent of the damage to the tooth.
  • We then numb the area to ensure a pain-free experience.
  • Dr Govender makes a small opening in the top of the tooth and removes the decay and bacteria from the tooth.
  • The tooth is then thoroughly cleaned and shaped before we fill it with a biocompatible material to seal it.
  • In most cases, we will place a crown over the treated tooth to restore its appearance and give it a bit more strength and structure. However, once sealed, the tooth will be restored with a permanent tooth-coloured filling.

Does root canal therapy hurt?

This is one of the most common concerns with root canal therapy. The procedure is no more painful than getting a regular filling, thanks to modern techniques and local anaesthetics. After the procedure, you may have some discomfort or mild pain, but this can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

At Medinet Dental Surgery, we prioritise your comfort, ensuring your experience is as painless and relaxed as possible.